The Winners and Losers of 2023’s Legislative Session

May 17, 2023 | Progress MO

Last Friday, Missouri’s legislature adjourned for the final time in 2023. After weeks of back and forth, here’s what won — and lost — in 2023. 🏆 The Winners🏆 1. Majority Rule One of the biggest victories of 2023 came not from what did pass, but from what didn’t. This year, politicians came into session […]

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Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft – Who’s In Charge Of MO Elections – Doesn’t Have A Plan For Missouri Election Security

March 17, 2023 | Progress MO

Only days before the Missouri State legislature left Jefferson City for Spring Break, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft left the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), an interstate group that works to prevent voter fraud. ERIC helps states maintain accurate voter rolls by keeping people who can no longer vote off state’s voter list. It also […]

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It’s International Women’s Day: What Are Missouri Politicians Doing For Women?

March 8, 2023 | Progress MO

March 8 marks International Women’s Day, a global day to celebrate women’s achievements in their drive for gender equality, and a time to call on our electeds to do their part to keep women’s rights moving forward. Unfortunately, in Missouri, so far this year extremists in the legislature have done the exact opposite of what’s […]

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Senate Republicans Won’t Address Why Missouri Moms Are Dying

March 2, 2023 | Progress MO

Almost three years ago, Missourians banded together and went to the ballot box to expand access to healthcare for working families and save lives by expanding Medicaid. Back then, our Republican legislature tried to defy the will of the people by dragging their feet and not funding life saving healthcare— they even dawdled after the […]

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Behind The National Right-Wing Conspiracy To Bully Missouri’s Trans Kids

February 17, 2023 | Progress MO

Last week, Jamie Reed, a former employee of the Washington University Transgender Center released an article alleging the center had committed wrongdoing against patients. But the timing and the key players surrounding the accusations, in addition to blatant political motivations, reveal she is part of a larger machine at work to attack LGBTQ+ people across […]

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