“When we send a message to the legislature, we mean it” | MO Leg Elections Committee Holds Hearing On Limiting Your Power

January 25, 2023 | Progress MO

This afternoon, the Missouri General Assembly Committee on Elections and Elected Officials held a public hearing on five bills proposing new restrictions on ballot initiatives. Missourians Want Their Voices To Be Heard Rep. Peggy McGaugh, chair of the committee, remarked that “quite a bit more” witnesses appeared to testify against the five bills than in […]

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Governor Parson’s State of the State Proves Reps In Jeff City Are Out Of Step With Missouri Families

January 18, 2023 | Progress MO

Wednesday afternoon, Governor Parson gave his annual State of the State speech, outlining Missouri’s 2022 accomplishments and his plans for the future. While Parson did an excellent job reminding us of the many problems our legislature must address this session, many of his solutions fell flat, reminding us that the Missouri legislature’s priorities are completely […]

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The Kansas City Star: Missouri GOP Wants to Block More Ballot Measures

January 18, 2023

When the Missouri House returned to session nearly two weeks ago, they filed 14 different bills to oppose majority rule in instituting ballot measures across the state. Rather than paying attention to voters, The Kansas City Star says Missouri’s electeds would rather prioritize their own agendas: In the wake of Missouri voters approving several liberal-leaning […]

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The Missouri House Is Back, And They’re Coming For Your Voice

January 10, 2023 | Progress MO

Last Wednesday, the Missouri State House convened for their 2023 session, rolling out a slate of more than 600 proposed bills. In the throughline of their legislative priorities, the House made it abundantly clear that their number one problem is your power. 13+ Bills Breaking the Ballot Initiative Process The House has seen our success […]

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