Why Did Missouri Choose Not To Feed Hungry Kids This Summer?

Progress MO

Missouri electeds didn’t even try to secure money to feed hungry kids this summer.

This year, states had the chance to apply for federal aid to provide extra benefits for children who receive free or reduced school meals for the summer months. Forty states applied for – and received – this federal funding

Missouri declined to apply for the funding, rejecting a $42 million grant which would have fed hungry kids.

Why would Missouri reject free money to feed hungry kids?

The Missouri government blamed a lack of infrastructure to support the program – even though Missouri is running in a significant budgetary surplus and had ample time to rebuild infrastructure before this summer.

In fact, our infrastructure is so bad, the state hasn’t finished distributing aid from last year’s grant.

They didn’t even start distributing 2022 dollars until this June.

Better late than never, I guess. But really?

So… why didn’t Missouri rebuild their infrastructure this year? Didn’t they see this coming?

Yeah, the legislature was too busy attacking trans kids and debating book bans to pass much of anything, much less anything that would help working families.

Well, summer’s almost over. So now these kids can eat, right?

One in four Missouri kids goes to a school that’s only open four days a week. That’s one more day these kids will go without.

Our elected officials need to do something.

When politicians go back to Jeff City, they need to focus on what matters to Missourians: taking care of Missouri families and making sure every child has what they need to succeed.

Sign our petition and tell your representatives that you want them to prioritize Missouri kids!