RELEASE: From supporting the cruel abortion ban to wanting to hurt local public schools, Joe Nicola is wrong for Missouri

Independence, Mo. – Voters selected Joe Nicola as the Republican candidate for Senate District 11. As an unelected and untested candidate, Nicola’s positions and comments are not widely known by voters. After a thorough examination of his record and comments, it’s clear Nicola is the wrong choice for Missouri. 

Here are 5 things to know about Joe Nicola:

  1. Nicola supports Missouri’s total ban on abortion. On social media, Nicola describes himself as “fully pro-life at all stages of life… from conception all the way to the grave.”
  2. Nicola wants to take $3.6 billion away from our local public schools. Nicola supports a radical education funding scheme that would cost local public schools $3.6 billion due to a worry of current funding having “strings attached.”
  3. Nicola opposes medication to treat mental illness. Joe Nicola has said that mental illness is not a real illness and opposes medication to treat it. He wrote that “not one person that Jesus dealt with was diagnosed mental illness – not one. The Bible tells us they were demon possessed and the only way to deal with it is to cast the demon out, not give it drugs. That is how Jesus handled it and He gave us the authority to do it as well.”
  4. Nicola wants to ban IVF and control birth control access. Nicola supports Alabama-style fetal personhood bills that threaten IVF and birth control access.
  5. Nicola will push for expanded voucher programs. Nicola supports school voucher schemes that take money away from local public schools where the vast majority of Missouri’s kids attend. 
