RELEASE: Senator Hawley once again blocks IVF protections, choosing extremism over Missouri families

Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024
Contact: Claire Cook-Callen,

Hawley’s vote against IVF access is the latest in a long line of attacks on reproductive freedom

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – On Tuesday, Sept. 17, Sen. Josh Hawley voted to block the Right to IVF Act for the second time this year. This crucial legislation would have protected access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and reduce the financial burden on families seeking treatment. 

Liz McCune, Progress Missouri Executive Director, said the following:

​“For the second time this year, Senator Hawley voted to block the Right to IVF Act, turning his back on Missouri families needing IVF treatments. This critical legislation would have protected the right to IVF while reducing its financial burden by requiring insurance companies to cover the procedure.

​“Josh Hawley likes to talk about being pro-family, but his actions—opposing both the Right to IVF Act and the Right to Contraception Act—show he cares more about advancing his extremist agenda than protecting Missouri families.

“If that weren’t bad enough, Senator Hawley called Amendment 3, the popular measure that would restore Missourians’ reproductive rights, the ‘most radical attempt to destroy the family in Missouri’s history.’ Hawley’s extreme agenda is not just wrong—it’s a direct threat to the personal freedoms that the people of Missouri overwhelmingly want to protect. This fall, Misourians have the power to fight back and restore their reproductive freedoms by voting against Josh Hawley and for Amendment 3.”
