RELEASE: Missourians unveil billboard highlighting Senator Hawley’s assault on reproductive freedom

Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024

“Vote for Amendment 3 and Against Hawley to Reclaim Our Rights.”

ST. LOUIS, Mo. – Local leaders and advocates gathered outside Senator Josh Hawley’s St. Louis office to unveil a powerful new billboard featuring the bold message: “Your Body, His Choice: Senator Josh Hawley Wants to Control Your Reproductive Freedom.”

The billboard features a couple in an intimate moment, sitting together in bed. Looming over them is Senator Josh Hawley, who inserts himself into their bedroom to infringe on their right to make deeply personal decisions about their own bodies and futures.

With the highly popular Amendment 3 on the ballot this fall — which Hawley strangely declared “must be defeated” and the “most radical attempt to destroy the family in the history of our state” – Missourians can restore their rights and send a powerful message to politicians like Hawley who seek to take away their personal freedoms.

Liz McCune, Executive Director of Progress Missouri, remarked: “This billboard sends a clear message: Senator Hawley wants to control our bodies and make decisions that should belong to us, not the government. Hawley’s crusade against reproductive rights is extreme and dangerous and deeply out of step with most Missourians. Hawley celebrated the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe and voted against contraception and IVF. This fall, we can fight back and protect our reproductive freedoms by voting for Amendment 3 and against Hawley.”

Ashley Mosley, a nursing home worker and union member, emphasized: “As a healthcare worker, I’ve seen the real consequences of extreme policies that take away our freedom to choose. When politicians like Senator Hawley interfere with our personal decisions, it’s the women and families working paycheck to paycheck who suffer most. This November, we can reclaim our rights by voting for Amendment 3 and against Hawley.”

Heather Lindsy, a women’s rights advocate, added: “Senator Hawley’s relentless crusade to control our bodies is nothing short of an assault on freedom. He doesn’t trust Missourians to make their own healthcare decisions, whether it’s about abortion, contraception, or IVF. By voting for Amendment 3 and against Hawley this November, we can stop his dangerous agenda, keep him out of our bedrooms, and reclaim our right to decide what happens in our own lives.”

The billboard unveiling comes in the wake of Tuesday’s critical ruling by the Missouri Supreme Court, which cleared the path for Amendment 3 to appear on the November ballot, giving Missourians the opportunity to restore their reproductive rights. The billboard can be viewed along I-270 at the McKelvey Road exit near the I-70 interchange.