Missourians Use World Contraception Day to Sound Alarm on Attacks on Birth Control

Jefferson City, Mo. – Thursday, September 26, marks World Contraception Day, a day centered on the freedom to plan and power to choose when and how to start a family. Unfortunately, Missouri’s U.S. Senators Josh Hawley and Eric Schmitt have repeatedly voted against protecting access to birth control. 

In June, Hawley blocked the passage of the Right to Contraception Act. Hawley makes it clear that he will do anything to keep Missourians from having access to reproductive health care, from doubling down on being 100% pro-life to the work he and his wife have done to ensure families can’t access birth control through their employer. 

Missourians overwhelmingly support access to contraceptives, yet many fear their lawmakers have their sights set on restricting access. 

“We’ve been shouting from the rooftops for years now that they will come for your birth control too – they won’t stop at abortion,” said Heather Lindsy, St. Louis resident and activist. “I never thought I would see in my lifetime that we would actually experience this threat to control our reproductive choices.”

“I stand with women who fight for the ability to decide how to manage their own lives and participation in their own health care,” said Rev. Traci Blackmon, faith leader and registered nurse. “I am not a lawyer, so I don’t try cases. I am not a scientist, so I don’t look for new medicines or new cures. I stay in my lane. All I’m asking is that our legislators stay in their lanes. You are there to listen to your constituents. You are not there to make health care decisions. You are not there to weigh in on our bodily autonomy. Women and birthing people deserve to decide their own health care. Hear us and do as we ask.”

Every individual must be guaranteed the freedom to protect their reproductive health and to plan their family. Missouri needs senators who will listen to us, not rip our health care options away piece by piece.