ADVISORY: Senator Josh Hawley’s Labor Day betrayal – photo ops don’t pay the bills

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – As Missouri families gather to celebrate Labor Day, Sen. Hawley wants you to forget his record. He claims to be “pro labor,” but his actions speak louder than his empty words. He’s betrayed Missouri workers time and time again.

Hawley’s recent appearances at union events are a desperate attempt to mislead voters. He’s counting on Missourians not noticing that his votes consistently favor corporations and special interests over working families.

WHAT: Press Conference

WHO: Labor leaders from across Missouri, including:

  • Tony Renfro, President UAW Local 249
  • David Cook, President of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 655 
  • Lenny Jones, State Director SEIU Healthcare Missouri

WHEN: 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28

WHY: This Labor Day, union leaders from around the state come together to expose Senator Josh Hawley’s blatant hypocrisy. While he stages photo ops with workers to salvage his image, his voting record reveals a deep-seated pattern of betrayal toward Missouri’s hardworking families.

HOW TO JOIN: Zoom – please contact Liz McCune at for link.